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Living Room Remodel

There were so many things to love about the Living room, for me, right off the bat! There were just a few things I felt needed tweaking before it was just right for us.

My main focus was updating the color scheme and brightening the room up. I originally planning on keeping the fireplace painted the same color as the room - but luckily, my mom talked me into white. She was absolutely right!
Living Room Remodel
Living Room Remodel

I love the ceilings in our Living and Dining room. Also, I was shocked at how much lightening up some of the color choices and painting the main ceiling white (it was this really odd light yellow throughout the first floor) really opened up the space!

The lighting in this room is wonderful (during the day - there are no overhead lights) and I also really love a lot of the storage/display areas in this room.
Living Room Remodel

Some closeups! I learned a little about staging a room when we sold our house, but my sister really helped me out with this so much!
Piano Room Staging
Ledge Room Staging
Shelving Room Staging


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